August 2014.
Wind Prospect Developments Ltd have appealed to the DPEA because of non-determination of the Mount Lothian wind farm application by Midlothian Council within the official time-frame of 4 months. Accordingly the pre-determination meeting scheduled for September 2014 has been cancelled. A decision on the wind farm application will be made by the DPEA instead of Midlothian Council.

The following animations give an impression of how the rotating turbines would appear from various viewpoints - (the montage appears first and the animation takes a few moments to load)

Video from Lowry's Den play

Video across Gladhouse reservoir play

Video from listed building at Toxside play

Video from neighbouring property play

Welcome to the web site of the Penicuik Environment Protection Association (PEPA).

PEPA seeks to support the Midlothian Council in upholding the Midlothian Local Plan and protecting the Penicuik environs from industrialisation by inappropriate wind farms.

PEPA was formed by residents of Penicuik, Carlops and Howgate communities to protect the Pentland and Moorfoot Hills, both Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLVs), and the valley between, from becoming a wind farm landscape.

The MOUNT LOTHIAN WINDFARM proposal of January 2013, 9 turbines each 102 m high, received 1080 objections with 67 in favour. The application was withdrawn in May 2013.

The application (9 turbines, same height in the same place) was resubmitted in January 2014 by Wind Prospect Developments on behalf of EDF Energy and this resulted in
all previous objections being wiped out!

Midlothian Council Planning Application Number 14/00044/DPP can be viewed HERE

For reasons to object please see the following document
Gladhouse Reservoir

Lowries's Den

Mount Lothian Map
Map reproduced from original Wind Prospect leaflet and current application

Mount Lothian lies between the Pentland and Moorfoot Hills.

Just as at Auchencorth, under 3 miles away (finally defeated in 2010) and as at Spurlens Rig, under 2 miles away (rejected in 2011), the proposed Mount Lothian wind farm would be highly visible from the Pentland Hills, a Regional Park and designated Area of Great Landscape Value. It will be visible from many parts of Penicuik. If approved it will spoil the landscape character and then extensions and/or other applications are sure to follow.

Midlothian, although a very small county, already suffers from the cumulative effect of Dun Law and Bowbeat -- 85 turbines with several more applications in the process.


The planning application to Midlothian Council for a turbine 45.1m height to tip and associated meter house at Land 425 metres East of Loanstone Crossing, Pomathorn, Penicuik - at the top of the hill next to the Auchendinny- Leadburn Road, was withdrawn and replaced by an application for a turbine 33.2 m high and closer to housing (340 m). This application was granted by Midlothian Council despite still being contrary to recommendations in the Midlothian Landscape Capacity Study.

A further application for a taller turbine 35.2 m high was submitted on 23 December 2013.

Midlothian Council Planning Application Number 13/00902/DPP. Website



Screening opinion obtained for the erection of a 45 m high turbine.
Planning Officer's response (7 February 2013) "It is very likely that the height of the turbine that you are proposing will be considered to be excessive"

Note: Landscape Capacity Study says turbines should be no higher than 30 m in this area even if there was little impact.

Midlothian Council Planning Application Number 13/00053/SCR. Website


Proposal by Partnership for Renewables (18 Turbines 132 m high).
With Government - pending decision.

Scottish Border Council Reference No: 12/01283/S36

Please visit the Protect Eddleston's Landscape and Environment website at


Scoping by West Coast Energy for 25 turbines 126 m high, adjacent to Cloich Forest and near Peebles and Romanno Bridge
Scoping response issued March 2013 .

Scottish Border Council Reference No: 13/00024/SCO

now called HAG LAW WIND FARM comprising 11 turbines

Planning Application Notice (PAN) Scottish Border reference No: 13/00882/PAN

Wicker Turbine